distort | big secrets

Why wasn't Ryan Tang one of the 100 most influential people of
the century accordinding to Time magazine? I'm sure you've all
asked yourselves that question many times since that issuse of
Time came out in news stands everywhere.
The answer to this is deep and complex. You see the reason that
I'm not on the cover is a because of an international cross-
government conspiricy. You see I am part of an international
organization that already controls most of the world's resources.
A great many people know of the presence of this organization as
shown in this picture. However after much pressure from the
government Time had to alter their site so that it no longer
displayed my name. The government doesn't want you to know about
me. They deny my very existince. Remeber this page as I fear that
"The Man" will soon shut it down...
Free Tibet!!!