distort | who is ryan

First, I'd like to say that I have to give Ryan credit for making
this page in a matter of hours. Next, I'd like to give myself credit
for the splash graphic (on an old site, but still really good graphic)
which I'm sure you've all enjoyed. Next, I'd like to plug my page
I suggest you visit.
Ryan is a guy who goes to school with me. Sure, there are others
who go to school with me, such as Phil, Adam, Chris and big grade
twelve guy who I don't know but who wore hippy pants to the first
day of school. But none of these individuals is Ryan. Ryan likes
to draw. In grade nine, instead of doing math, or social, or
language, or french, or any other subject we may of had, Ryan
shouted out with a loud resounding cry, "Screw you!" by drawing.
Much of these drawings have arisen again, cultured by his hate
for math as he sits Physics 15 PreIB failing miserably, but still
content in his drawings.
Ryan is also offensive, rude, and stupid. But not as stupid as Rory.
Rory takes the cake. Rory also works at McDonalds, because Rory says
he will be working at McDonalds all his life.
Ryan listens to much Punk and Ska. Ryan also lent me his Gob CD so
I could burn a copy for myself. So that makes Ryan good.
The moral of the story is, don't be like Ryan. Which is what this
entire page is about.
Ryan's Note: Rory does not take the cake for stupidity, he is just
a little stupid and really lazy.
Joseph, who thought you could fax money is the stupid one. Also
Joseph eats too many chocolate bars or doesn't wash his face.
Another Note: I also sugget that you go to Jon's site.