distort | big secrets

A short while ago Distort agents discovered the secret identity of
one of the world's best loved dance artists, Chris Sheppard. This
discovery came after a viewing of a Sailor Moon episode in which the
aforementioned heroine seeks to hide her tru identity. Our agents
soon saw the REAL motive behind that episode, to make people believe
that Sailor Moon is only a cartoon character when, in fact, she is
an actual super hero..ine.
As opposed to other stories we have published at Distort this one
comes with semi-conclusive evidence. We have for you today pictures
of both Chris Sheppard and Sailor Moon.
Exibit A:
Chris Sheppard on the cover the Love Inc. CD

Exibit B:
Sailor Moon as seen somewhere

As you can see the hair styles of Sheppard and Moon are quite similar.
It is quite uncanny to see something like this. With hair-dye and
some hair extentions and an exercise regiment to keep that girlish
figure Chris Sheppard could... IS in fact Sailor Moon.
This Public Dis-service was brought to you by Distort.