distort | this is ugly

I love to draw as Jon mentioned in "Ryan is the Man." This section
is just a bunch of the stuff I've drawn. It is not nearly extensive
enough to display all of my meager talents accurately, but I can
only put up so much of my artwork (seeing as how over half of my
binder which is meant to hold my notes for all my subjects is full
of doodling). Anyway, I have to thank my friend Kevin Ho (of the
softball team "Kevin and the Ho's) for scanning all this for my.
I hope you enjoy this and if you don't feel free to email me
and berate me as much as you see fit.
From my sketchbook:
sketch 1 a grim reaperish thing
sketch 2 bruce lee?
sketch 3 some guy screaming
sketch 4 pikachu
sketch 5 charmander
sketch 6 machop
sketch 7 a monkey in a space suit
sketch 8 an anime girl
sketch 9 an anime girl
sketch 10 an anime girl
sketch 11 an anime girl
Note: The anime girls are here just for you Adam White
My idea for a Jones Soda ad:
part 1 the normal bit
part 2 the twist
Social Studies Notes:
notes 1 triple entante vs. triple alliance
Note: The load time on "notes 1" is huge
notes 2 different world powers
notes 3 assorted junk
notes 4 commies vs. capitalist pigs
Oddly enough I can use these to study.
Just Doodles:
symphony in red no.1 1 of 2
Note: The load time on "symphony in red no. 1" is huge
symphony in blue no. 2 2 of 2
Note: The load time on "symphony in blue no. 2" is huge
time for some punk rock music i'm still just a poser.