distort | who is ryan

This is the introduction to the newest section in "who is ryan?"
First off, this will not cost you a thing unlike the infomercial
thing on the first page of "who is ryan?" may have led you to beleive.
This section was born at about 3:27 this morning. I was unable to sleep
and was reading the printout of "Horn O' Plenty" which I keep in my binder
at all times. "Horn O' Plenty" is a series of articles written by John
Hargrave (of ZUG) which seem to outline his spiritual journey. John would
probalbly never call it a "spritual journey" since it makes me sound like
a sissy, but that's the best way I know how to describe it. Back to my
less than exciting point; As I read these articles I realized that I too
have issues that I have to deal with. I proably should have realized this
sooner, but I'm not a very intelligent child. Anyway, "Horn O' Plenty" had
a huge effect on my behavior, after reading it I began to think in a more
in-depth manner. In a sense reading about John's self-examination allowed
me to, in turn, examine my own personality. This is really what triggered
my decision to write this section. As I reflect on the pathetic mess I call
my life perhaps my experiences will act as postivie re-enforcement for other
people as "Horn O' Plenty" has done for me. Thank you John.
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